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- 16:29, 24 February 2012 Feminine (hist) [26 bytes] Admin (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "See Category:Feminine")
- 16:23, 24 February 2012 Pvellis (hist) [21 bytes] Admin (Talk | contribs) (Redirected page to Puellis)
- 16:23, 24 February 2012 Pvellarvm (hist) [23 bytes] Admin (Talk | contribs) (Redirected page to Puellarum)
- 16:22, 24 February 2012 Pvellas (hist) [21 bytes] Admin (Talk | contribs) (Redirected page to Puellas)
- 16:22, 24 February 2012 Pvellae (hist) [21 bytes] Admin (Talk | contribs) (Redirected page to Puellae)
- 16:22, 24 February 2012 Pvellam (hist) [21 bytes] Admin (Talk | contribs) (Redirected page to Puellam)
- 16:21, 24 February 2012 Pvella (hist) [20 bytes] Admin (Talk | contribs) (Redirected page to Puella)
- 14:24, 23 February 2012 Widget:Iframe (hist) [1,358 bytes] Admin (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<noinclude>__NOTOC__ This widget allows you to embed any web page on your wiki page using an iframe tag. Created by [ Se...")
- 22:26, 22 February 2012 Et (hist) [13 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''et''': and")
- 22:26, 22 February 2012 In (hist) [29 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "in + ''ablative'': in, on")
- 22:25, 22 February 2012 Non (hist) [12 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "non: no, not")
- 22:25, 22 February 2012 Ubi (hist) [10 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "ubi: where")
- 22:25, 22 February 2012 Sunt (hist) [20 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "sunt: are, there are")
- 22:24, 22 February 2012 Est (hist) [17 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "est: is, there is")
- 18:58, 22 February 2012 Vita (hist) [46 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "vita, -ae {{F}} life {{first declension|vit}}")
- 18:57, 22 February 2012 Victoria (hist) [57 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "victoria, -ae {{F}} victory {{first declension|victori}}")
- 18:57, 22 February 2012 Taberna (hist) [54 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "taberna, -ae {{F}} tavern {{first declension|tabern}}")
- 18:56, 22 February 2012 Italia (hist) [81 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Italia, -ae {{F}} Italy {{first declension no plural|Itali}} Category:Place")
- 18:55, 22 February 2012 Incola (hist) [65 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "incola, -ae {{M}} or {{F}} inhabitant {{first_declension|incol}}")
- 18:54, 22 February 2012 Hispania (hist) [180 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hispania, -ae {{F}} Spain * ''Hispā́nia'': {{NS}}, {{VS}} of Hispania * ''Hispā́niā'': {{AbS}} of Hispania {{first_declension|Hispani}} Category:Place")
- 18:50, 22 February 2012 Aqua (hist) [193 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "aquą -ae {{F}} water * ''áqua'': {{NS}}, {{VS}} of aqua * ''áquā'': {{AbS}} of aqua {{first_declension_table|aqu}}")
- 18:49, 22 February 2012 Romae (hist) [41 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "* ''Rṓmae'': {{GS}}, {{DS}} of Roma")
- 18:48, 22 February 2012 Romam (hist) [35 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "* '''Rṓmam''': {{AS}} of Roma")
- 18:45, 22 February 2012 Roma (hist) [146 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Roma, -ae: {{F}} Rome * ''Rṓma'': {{NS}}, {{VS}} of Roma * ''Rṓmā'': {{AbS}} of Roma {{first_declension|Rom}} Category:Place")
- 18:33, 22 February 2012 Ablative Plural (hist) [137 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''ablative plural''' is the plural ablative combination. * First Declension: ''-īs'', same as {{DP}} Category:Grammar")
- 18:33, 22 February 2012 Dative Plural (hist) [134 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''dative plural''' is the plural dative combination. * First Declension: ''-īs'', same as {{AbP}} Category:Grammar")
- 18:32, 22 February 2012 Genitive Plural (hist) [123 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''genitive plural''' is the plural genitive combination. * First Declension: ''-ārum'' Category:Grammar")
- 18:32, 22 February 2012 Accusative Plural (hist) [125 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''accusative plural''' is the plural accusative combination. * First Declension: ''-ās'' Category:Grammar")
- 18:31, 22 February 2012 Vocative Plural (hist) [152 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''vocative plural''' is the plural vocative combination. * First Declension: ''-ae'', same as {{GS}}, {{DS}}, {{NP}} Category:Grammar")
- 18:31, 22 February 2012 Nominative Plural (hist) [156 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''nominative plural''' is the plural nominative combination. * First Declension: ''-ae'', same as {{GS}}, {{DS}}, {{VP}} Category:Grammar")
- 18:30, 22 February 2012 Ablative Singular (hist) [151 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''ablative singular''' is the singular ablative combination. * First Declension: ''-ā'', similar to {{NP}}, {{VP}} Category:Grammar")
- 18:29, 22 February 2012 Dative Singular (hist) [148 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''dative singular''' is the singular dative combination. * First Declension: -ae, same as {{GS}}, {{NP}}, {{VP}} Category:Grammar")
- 18:27, 22 February 2012 Genitive Singular (hist) [157 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''genitive singular''' is the singular genitive combination. * First Declension: -ae, same as {{NP}}, {{VP}} Category:Grammar")
- 18:26, 22 February 2012 Accusative Singular (hist) [124 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''accusative singular''' is the singular accusative combination. * First Declension: -am Category:Grammar")
- 18:25, 22 February 2012 Vocative Singular (hist) [159 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''vocative singular''' is the singular vocative combination. * First Declension: -a Category:Grammar")
- 18:25, 22 February 2012 Nominative Singular (hist) [163 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''nominative singular''' is the singular nominative combination. * First Declension: -a Category:Grammar")
- 18:24, 22 February 2012 Ablative (hist) [131 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''ablative''' case is used for some prepositions. See Ablative Singular and Ablative Plural Category:Grammar")
- 18:23, 22 February 2012 Dative (hist) [246 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''dative''' case is the indirect object in verbs of giving or saying, the person to whom the gift was given or the words said. This is usually translated as "to" or "...")
- 18:21, 22 February 2012 Genitive (hist) [152 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Genitive''' implies ownership, and is usually translates with "'s" or "of". See Genitive Singular and Genitive Plural. Category:Grammar")
- 18:19, 22 February 2012 Grammar (hist) [480 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Nouns == Nouns are declined. That means, depending on how they are used, they are going to change. === Case === The Case of a noun is one of Nominative, [[Vo...")
- 18:17, 22 February 2012 Accusative (hist) [153 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Accusative''' is the direct object of the verb, the thing being acted upon. See Accusative Singular, Accusative Plural.")
- 18:16, 22 February 2012 Vocative (hist) [206 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Vocative''' is the person you are talking to when you call out to them. It is usually preceded by O and followed by punctuation. See Vocative Singular, [[Vocative ...")
- 18:15, 22 February 2012 Singular (hist) [218 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Singular''' means one thing. See: * Plural * Nominative Singular * Vocative Singular * Accusative Singular * Genitive Singular * Dative Singular * ...")
- 18:15, 22 February 2012 Plural (hist) [231 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Plural''' means there two or more (or zero) things. See: * Singular * Nominative Plural * Vocative Plural * Accusative Plural * Genitive Plural * [[Dat...")
- 18:13, 22 February 2012 Nominative (hist) [238 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Nominative''' names the subject of the clause. See Nominative Singular, Nominative Plural Category:Grammar")
- 18:08, 22 February 2012 Nauta (hist) [129 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "nauta, -ae: {{m}} sailor * ''naúta'': {{NS}}, {{VS} of nauta * ''naútā'': {{AbS}} of nauta {{first_declension|naut}}")
- 18:07, 22 February 2012 Noun (hist) [65 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Nouns are declined. * First Declension Category:Grammar")
- 18:06, 22 February 2012 Agricola (hist) [148 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "agricola, -ae: farmer * ''agrícola'': {{NS}}, {{VS}} of agricola * ''agrícolā'': {{AbS}} of agricola {{first_declension|agricol}}")
- 18:04, 22 February 2012 First Declension (hist) [422 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The First Declension are nouns that end in -a, -ae. These are generally feminine, although several are masculine. The endings are as follows: {{first_declension|-}}")
- 18:02, 22 February 2012 DP (hist) [20 bytes] Jgardner (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "DP")