Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics, 2nd Ed.
Stephen Gasiorowicz
- 1. The Limits of Classical Physics
- 2. Wave Packets and the Uncertainty Relations
- 3. The Schrodinger Wave Equation and the Probability Interpretations
- 4. Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues
- 5. One-dimensional Potentials
- 6. The General Structure of Wave Mechanics
- 7. Operator Methods in Quantum Mechanics
- 8. N-Particle Systems
- 9. The Schrodinger Equation in Three Dimensions I
- 10. The Schrodinger Equation in Three Dimensions II
- 11. Angular Momentum
- 12. The Hydrogen Atom
- 13. Interactions of Electrons with Electromagnetic Fields
- 14. Operators, Matrices, and Spin
- 15. The Addition of Angular Momentum
- 16. Time-Independent Perturbation Theory
- 17. The Real Hydrogen Atom
- 18. The Helium Atom
- 19. The Structure of Atoms
- 20. Molecules
- 21. The Radiation of Atoms
- 22. Selected Topics in Radiation Theory
- 23. Collision Theory
- 24. The Absorption of Radiation in Matter
- Appendix A. The Fourier Integral and the Delta Functions
- Appendix B. Operators
- Special Topic 1. Relativistic Kinematics
- Special Topic 2. The Density Operator
- Special Topic 3. The Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin Approximation
- Special Topic 4. Lifetimes, Linewidths, and Resonances