Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences
This is my notes on my (re-)study of this famous book.
The book I am using is the 2nd Edition, published 1983.
- /Chapter 1: Infinite Series, Power Series
- /Chapter 2: Complex Numbers
- /Chapter 3: Linear Equations; Vectors, Matrices, and Determinants
- /Chapter 4: Partial Differentiation
- /Chapter 5: Multiple Integrals; Applications of Integration
- /Chapter 6: Vector Analysis
- /Chapter 7: Fourier Series
- /Chapter 8: Ordinary Differential Equations
- /Chapter 9: Calculus of Variations
- /Chapter 10: Coordinate Transformations; Tensor Analysis
- /Chapter 11: Gamma, Beta, and Error Functions; Asymptotic Series; Stirling's Formula; Elliptic Integrals and Functions
- /Chapter 12: Series Solutions of Differential Equations; Legendre Polynomials; Bessel Functions; Sets of Orthogonal Functions
- /Chapter 13: Partial Differential Equations
- /Chapter 14: Functions of a Complex Variable
- /Chapter 15: Integral Transforms
- /Chapter 16: Probability